External Radiation Therapy, also known as external beam therapy, carries high beam of radiation by x- rays
and sends them directly to breast cancer cells. The high beam is send by a large machine called
a linear accelerator and targeted at the tumor site, this treatment option for
breast cancer is delivered in two treatment fields: one starts in the middle of the chest and faces the
side, while the other starts from the side breast and faces the middle of the
chest, where the breastbone is located.
Usually the treatment is given twice a day for approximately 2 to 9 weeks depending on the patient and
their progress. The treatment last for about one hour each day and mostly
during that hour it’s positioning and imaging the patient. The treatment itself
last for several minutes. During the procedure no pain is felt but you might
hear clicking or buzzing. Sometimes patients smell an odd scent because the
ozone produced by the linear accelerator. After you finish your treatment doctors
might give you follows up exams. Post-treatment are very important because they
can tell you if you are stable and or as changed, They might ask for a couple
of blood test and images just to make sure everything is fine.
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