Risk Factors and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

    As we mentioned before breast cancer occurs when abnormal calls grows out of control in one or both breasts, Usually, cancer cells spread to the lymph nodes and to other parts of the body. Doctors don’t know exactly what causes breast cancer but there are two factors: factors that can and can’t be change (being in control).

Risk factors that you can’t change are:
  • Being a woman
  • Getting older: the chances of breast cancer increases as you get older 
  • Gene change
  • Family History: Risk factor of breast cancer is higher among women who have relatives with the same disease. Having a mother, daughter or sister doubles the risk of getting breast cancer.
  • Race and Ethnicity: White women have a slightly higher risk for getting breast cancer than African American women. Asian, Hispanic and Native American women have even less risk.
  • History of radiation treatment in the chest; exposure to previous chest radiation or the use of diethylstilbestrol.

Risk Factors that you can change (being in control): 
  • Non breast – feeding : breast feeding for one and half to two years lower the chance of getting breast cancer.
  • Not having children- not having children until Age 30
  • Drinking alcohol beverages
  • Being overweight (obese)
  • Lack of physical therapy : exercise lowers the risk of having breast cancer
  • Using hormonal therapy after menopause.

Breast cancer symptoms can cause the following:
  • A change in the nipple that includes: the nipple may tumor in or the skin around it may look scaly.
  • Fluid that comes out of the nipple or may rook red.
  • A change in the way the breast looks: change in size and shape of the breast, the skin on the breast may also look dimple or look like an orange peel.
  • A change in the way the breast feels. This is the most common symptom is a painless lump or thickening in the breast or underarm.

1 comment:

  1. The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump or a mass. A lump that is painless hard and has uneven edges is likely to be cancer. But some cancer are soft, tender and rounded. All Breast lump are not cancerous, in fact most are benign. However each has to be analyzed and tested as some benign lumps can increase your risk. So its important to have anything unusual checked by your doctor.

    Breast Cancer and Treatment
