Male Breast Cancer

Some people might think what is breast cancer in men? Or how is it diagnosed? Reading this article will help give you all the information you need. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor, group of cells that grow into surrounding tissues or spread to other parts of the body, which starts cells of the breast. Women usually get breast cancer but men also have breast tissue that are nonfunctional (doesn't produce milk) so they might as well get it.

Treatment by Tamoxifen

    Tamoxifen is a antagonist, a type of receptor ligand or drug that doesn't provoke a response when binding to a receptor, of the estrogen receptor in the breast cancer. The generic name for Tamoxifen is Nolvadex. It helps treat women that are diagnosed with hormone – receptor – positive, early staged breast cancer after surgery.

Aromatase Inhibitor

    Aromatase Inhibitor is usually given to post menopause women who had hormone dependent breast cancer so they need this estrogen but, medical doctors use Aromatase inhibitor to turn off the enzyme Aromatase so it can't turn androgen to estrogen. Aromatase Inhibitor can't stop the ovaries to produce estrogen, so they give it to menopause when there ovaries stop making estrogen and other hormones.

External Radiation Therapy

External Radiation Therapy, also known as external beam therapy, carries high beam of radiation by x- rays and sends them directly to breast cancer cells. The high beam is send by a large machine called a linear accelerator and targeted at the tumor site, this treatment option for breast cancer is delivered in two treatment fields: one starts in the middle of the chest and faces the side, while the other starts from the side breast and faces the middle of the chest, where the breastbone is located.

Internal Radiation Therapy

treatment options for breast cancer Radiation Therapy is also known as partial - breast therapy or brachy therapy because it usually therapy after lumpectomy surgery and/or regular treatment. It uses radioactive substance that is closed by wires or needles and are placed near the breast cancer cell (for first time treatment) or therapy were the cancer was (for therapy after lumpectomy) There are two different methods of giving Internal Radiation: Multi-Catheter and Balloon-Catheter Internal Radiation.

Mastectomy Surgery

treatment options for breast cancer      Mastectomy is another major surgery done for women with breast cancer. It removes partially, completely, one or both breast, including the nipple. There are five different types of mastectomy: Simple Mastectomy, Modified Radical Mastectomy, Subcutaneous Mastectomy, Skin-sparing Mastectomy and Radical Mastectomy.